Microsoft Office Applications Basics Definitions It is not uncommon for postsecondary education programs (e.g., colleges, universities, etc.) and employers to require the use of Microsoft Office applications. Microsoft applications are also referred to as Microsoft 365. Microsoft Office applications can be used for tasks such as email, development of written documents, reviewing data, and development of presentations. Microsoft’s email platform is called Microsoft Outlook. Other applications include Microsoft Word (word processor), Microsoft Excel (spreadsheets), and Microsoft PowerPoint (presentations). Navigating these applications might require support and practice if you have never used them before. In the resource section below, we will explore resources to get you started with that, including resources that consider the use of screen readers to navigate these platforms.
Guiding Questions How much do you know about Microsoft Office applications (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint)? While in school, do you/did you practice with any of these applications? What type of assistive technology might you use to navigate Microsoft Office applications? How familiar are you with how Microsoft Office applications might be used in higher education or in the workplace? Resources Using and Editing a Microsoft Word Document – Perkins School for the Blind This link brings you to a video that details how to navigate and edit a Microsoft Word Document using JAWS on a PC.
Creating charts and graphs using Microsoft Excel – Perkins School for the Blind This resource includes YouTube video resources to learn how to create charts and graphs using Microsoft Excel, including diagrams that are accessible with a screen reader.
Creating a Basic PowerPoint Presentation Step by Step – Perkins School for the Blind This resource includes a basic, step by step approach to creating Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations using JAWS for the blind and visually impaired.
Guide for people who are blind or low vision - Microsoft Support This guide describes the most popular accessibility features of Windows and Microsoft Office. It also covers assistive technology products for Windows and Microsoft Office that are designed for people who are blind or have low vision.
Use a screen reader with Microsoft 365 apps - Microsoft Support In this resource, you can find links to the screen reader content for Microsoft 365 apps.
Keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft 365 - Microsoft Support Many users find that using Microsoft 365 apps with keyboard shortcuts on an external keyboard helps them work more efficiently. This resource provides links to most keyboard shortcut articles for Microsoft 365 apps.
Understanding the “Ribbon” in Microsoft Word: Screen Reader Activities – Perkins School for the Blind This post will focus on ribbon concepts (commands and tools you can use in Microsoft Word); including JAWS navigating commands. This resource also includes a video walkthrough.
Microsoft Outlook Keyboard Commands – Perkins School for the Blind This resource provides a list of Outlook email 2010 and 2013 Keyboard Commands.