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Below, you can find resources that may be helpful to you, your child, or your student. Make sure to check back regularly as we continue to add more.

NVDA logoGetting Started with NVDA

This quick and accessible guide will help users to get started with NVDA which is a free screen reader that can be used on Windows devices.

Disability law chart document previewDisability Law Summary K-12 vs. Higher Education

This screen-reader accessible table summarizes four primary laws pertaining to K-12 legal requirements for accommodations vs higher education legal requirements for accommodations. The table also describes how each law addresses service animals.

One page profile document previewOne Page Profile Template

This screen-reader accessible one-page profile allow users to type in information about their interests, strengths, and support needs. Users can easily navigate through the document with arrow keys.

Recreational programs document previewRecreation and Leisure Programs for Blind or Visually Impaired Individuals in TN

This screen-reader accessible document shares recreation and leisure opportunities in Tennessee and nationally. Review programs and organizations in the areas of sports and recreation, leisure activities, and summer camps for individuals with blindness and visual impairment.

VoiceOver logoGetting Started with VoiceOver

This quick and accessible guide will help users to get started with VoiceOver which is a free screen reader that can be used on Apple Products including iPhones, iPads, and Macbooks.

Questions for DSO Document PreviewDisability Services Office (DSO) Questions

This resource includes a list of questions to help you get started in your conversation with a Disability Service Office (DSO).

Getting Started with AT Resources Document PreviewGetting Started with Assistive Technology (AT)

This resource highlights resources that can connect users who are blind or have low vision with information on different types of AT, training for AT, and ways to access AT.

Getting Started with AT Resources Document PreviewQuestions for Your First Visit with Vocational Rehabilitation (VR; Student Version)

This resource from Independent Futures that Work! assists students in accessing VR services.